When a student violates a university regulation, they are subject to disciplinary action by the university whether or not their conduct violates civil law.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a "permit-only" campus, meaning that no one, regardless of age, can consume alcohol on campus property without a permit and there are strict criteria for obtaining a permit. This includes all buildings, residence halls, stadiums, parking lots, dining and conference facilities, and Greek houses.
Fraternity & Sorority Annual Reports
View the annual reports, including semester grades, for each fraternity and sorority chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
It is a violation of policy to be in a room where alcohol is present whether you are drinking or not, and University Housing policy does not allow you to possess or display containers that held or were intended to hold alcoholic beverages. Alcohol-related conduct that infringes upon the rights of others to a quiet, orderly living environment, or that poses danger to yourself or others is not acceptable under any circumstances. Review these policies in your housing contract booklet.
Counseling & Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is committed to providing quality mental health services that meet the needs of a diverse student body by providing a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment during students’ educational journey.
475-RIDE is a cab service that can provide student with a ride home they are in an unsafe situation and have exhausted all other methods of transportation. This service runs continuously from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m.
Stress Check: Signs of a Problem
Excessive stress can sneak up on students over time, and they may not notice it until they begin to experience its physical or emotional effects. Too much stress can lead to unhealthy and potentially serious physical and emotional consequences.
Big Red Resilience and Well-Being
UNL-BRRWB's mission is to empower students to live their best lives, now and in the future. Well-being should be part of every experience in the lives of UNL students. BRRWB is committed to providing student-focused, inclusive, and innovative services to students attending UNL.
Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance
This website provides support for campuses across Nebraska that are committed to reducing high-risk drinking, substance misuse, and related harms.
How can you tell if your student has a problem with alcohol or cannabis? How can you help your student if they have an alcohol or cannabis use disorder? How do you know when to intervene? Learn how to navigate these challenging situations.
This website is designed to equip you with some tools and resources that will help you engage in effective communication with your students. You’ll find some statistics about alcohol, cannabis, and related problems. However, the focus is how to talk with your student. We’ve organized it by common situations that can include high-risk drinking or substance use, like 21st birthdays, spring break, and housing and roommates. Each page has a section on why the topic is important and a little bit of the research related to that topic, followed by two sections called “Say this” and “Not this”.
Your Kids Are Drinking (video/audio)
NET Television and NET Radio combine efforts to present this project focusing on the problems associated with underage drinking. It includes a locally produced television special, a televised panel discussion of the problem, and a three-part NET Radio series.
This NET News production looks at young adults drinking too much, too fast. Hear from law enforcement, university officials, and bar owners trying to change lives before it’s too late. It includes a locally produced television special, video extras, a NET Radio series, and other web resources.